2026 coming soon
Article 1: Notifications
Day of the race: Sunday 16 February 2025.
The start is at 8:30 am.
Notifications: All communications to the runner will be made via the email address provided by the participant at the time of registration, or the email address subsequently modified through the procedure enabled by the Organisation for this purpose, in the event that he/she has decided to modify it. Therefore, once the communication has been made by the Organisation, it is the runner's responsibility to check his/her e-mail address to be aware of it.
Likewise, athletes expressly undertake to follow the instructions and restrictions imposed on them in accordance with the health management of the event.
Article 2: Regulations
The distance is 21.097 kilometres entirely urban. It is certified by the Federació Catalana d'Atletisme through an authorised IAAF commissaire.
Likewise, the half-marathon is under the IAAF road race regulations and has been awarded the Gold Label by World Athletics. The judges of the RFEA and the FCA will ensure compliance with the rules.
All persons with a race bib, federated or not, may participate, provided that they are over 18 years of age on the day of the race. Minors may not participate, not even in pushchairs or other assisted transport devices (skates, bikes, skates, handbikes...).
The organisation reserves the right to close registrations if the maximum dimensions of the race are reached in order to guarantee the smooth running of the race so that participants have a quality experience and the greatest possible safety for all.
Article 3: Start
The start will be at 08:30 hours and the race will finish at 12:15 hours, the maximum official time to finish the race being 2h45:00 from the time the last participant leaves the starting line. Under no circumstances may this time limit be exceeded, and participants who do not comply with this time limit will be excluded from the race and the official classifications.
Blind athletes will start from the start line of their choice according to the time marked on their registration.
The decision to start does not affect in any way the complete and correct timing of all athletes, whatever the start they start from. The organizers reserve the right to make more starts, among others, for safety, organizational and/or logistical reasons. In this case, those affected will be notified in sufficient time for the correct organization and preparation of the race.
Article 4: Times
The only data that the organization will take into account when making the classifications of any category will be those provided by the runner himself/herself on his/her registration form.
The organization has reserved a Sub-Elite box for the participants who request it and accredit the following times: 30:00 in 10k, 1h05:00 in half-marathon, or 2h20:00 in marathon in the last two years (men) and sub 35:30, 1h15:30 or 2h35:00 (same conditions for women), and as long as they have been run in events of the official calendar of World Athletics in approved circuits.
There will be no personal refreshments or payment of expenses or fees for sub-elite athletes.
To do so, they must email: info@edreamsmitjabarcelona.es attaching their performance in an official event within the last year.
Article 5: Starting blocks
Every runner accepts the responsibility and the commitment to accept his/her starting field at the time of registration. Therefore, the athlete accepts that the start box selected at the time of registration will be the one that corresponds to him/her. The participant will be able to modify his start box before January 12th 2025 by entering the management of his registration:
The start is structured in boxes. Each box is identified with a color and only those who have the race bib of the color of that box will be able to access them.
Article 6: Registration
There will be a quota of 30,000 bibs available.
The prices will be:
Bib 1 to 10.000: 32€.
Numbers 10.001 to 30.000: 36€.
Registration will only be valid once payment has been made.
Registration will be closed when 30,000 runners have registered or on 2 February 2025.
Registration for people with disabilities
There are two sporting categories with disabilities: visually impaired and intellectually disabled.
People with visual impairment: register online. They will be placed in the box they indicate when registering. To qualify for the classification and awards for visual disability, it is necessary to attach a copy of the accreditation card of the disability to promocioesportiva2@bcn.cat and info@edreamsmitjabarcelona.es after registering online.
The guides will go without a chip and must be duly identified, registering through info@edreamsmitjabarelona.es, indicating their details (name and surname, ID card, date of birth, personal telephone number and email address).
People with intellectual disabilities: register online. They will be placed in the box they indicate when registering. To qualify for the classification and awarding of prizes for intellectual disability, it is necessary to attach a copy of the accreditation card of the disability to promocioesportiva2@bcn.cat and info@edreamsmitjabarcelona.es after registering online.
*The awards ceremony for these categories will be held as long as a minimum of 3 athletes have finished. Prizes will be awarded on the day of the race. Please go to the podium area once the race is over to find out the first, second and third positions.
Article 7: Change of owner
Participants who wish to do so may change their name or bib/chip holder through our registration platform in the Manage your registration section:
If you are not going to run, you can transfer your bib and place in the race to another runner. The new runner will have to comply with all that is established in these regulations, by accepting the bib you will be accepting the contents of the same in its entirety. You must go to Manage your registration, Change of Owner, and indicate the details of the person to whom you are transferring your registration. The new participant will e-mail you with instructions on how to register. Once they have completed/paid their registration, you will receive a refund of the price paid for your registration minus €10. Your refund will be approved if the new runner completes his/her registration.
Unauthorized bib transfer From January 12th onwards, no changes will be made to the name of the runner.
The Organization reserves the right to make modifications to the exchange methodology.
Any attempt of transfer or direct sale between participants without following the established process may result in the invalidation of the participation of the original holder, and the organization reserves the right to exclude him/her from future editions of the event.
For legal and sporting reasons, but above all for security reasons, the bib may not be transferred to another runner without following the process established for this purpose and without obtaining the Organization's approval. In the event that the Organization becomes aware of this circumstance prior to the race taking place, the bib number that has been sold or transferred without authorization will be disqualified and the runner will not be able to take part in the race. In addition, and given the risk run by those who carry a bib without the knowledge of the organization and the distortion produced in the classifications, the details of the person who receives, transfers or sells it will be noted down, preventing their registration for the following 4 years, and informing other marathon, half-marathon and 10K organizations of their actions.
Article 8: Infringements and disqualifications
Runners who are not registered or who run without a race bib or with an unofficial race bib for this edition of the race will not be admitted by the organisers, preventing them from having access to the race in defense of the rights of those who are registered in accordance with the regulations. [Nor will elite athletes or athletes with a World Athletics Label category who register as popular runners be admitted. The participation of all elite athletes or athletes with World Athletics Label category must be expressly admitted by the Organisers].
In addition, unauthorised vehicles will not be allowed to enter for the safety of the runners. The judges of the race and the organisers reserve the right to disqualify any runner who is found to have committed any irregularity. This will be grounds for disqualification:
- Providing false personal data when registering (name, surname, age...).
- Failure to complete the entire course.
- Being overtaken by the closing vehicles of the race.
- Failure to pass through the checkpoints located on the circuit.
- Not wearing the race bib clearly visible on the chest or altering or hiding the advertising on it.
- Running with the bib and/or chip allocated to another runner.
- Failure to heed the instructions of the judges and/or organisers' staff.
- Having given the race bib to be photocopied and used by another runner.
- Refusing to pass the doping control.
- Unsportsmanlike behaviour.
- Any other punishable behaviour included in the relevant federation regulations.
Disqualified runners will not be eligible for prizes and trophies.
Given the serious damage that this would cause to the Organisation and to the other runners in the race, in the event of access to the race in breach of the established conditions of access or any irregularity being committed, the Organisation reserves the right to take the appropriate measures, in accordance with the applicable legislation. In this sense, the corresponding civil, criminal or administrative actions will be initiated to demand the responsibility of the offender.
Among the irregularities that will give rise to the initiation of such actions are (i) not being registered for the race and, therefore, not having a bib/chip to participate in the race; (ii) running with the bib/chip of a third party (without having made the change of ownership or carrying it concealed); (iii) running with a bib/chip that does not correspond to that of the race; (iv) running with a falsified bib/chip (photocopied document or one that imitates the bib). The aforementioned list is given by way of example and is not exhaustive, and there may be other irregularities that may give rise to legal action on the part of the Organisers.
Both those who commit such irregularities and those who collaborate with them in carrying them out will be identified as ‘offending runners’.
Those runners who are identified as ‘offending runners’ by the Organisation on the day of the race will be removed, identified and expelled by the security personnel of the race, in the exercise of their powers, obtaining identification data from them; photographs, etc., which will be used for the purpose of taking the corresponding legal action.
In the event that the infringement becomes known after the race has taken place, the appropriate action shall be taken at the time the infringement becomes known.
The ‘offending runners’ will be notified and/or summoned to the proceedings in which their possible responsibilities will be judged, so that they may be a party to them.
The organisation reserves the right to prevent registration in the future and to inform other races of the conduct of those athletes disqualified for not having completed the entire 21,097.5 kilometres of the course.
Article 9: Refund Guarantee
If you have taken out the Refund Insurance at the time of registration, you may request a 100% refund, excluding the insurance fee, up to 12 January 2025 (inclusive) for any reason whatsoever. No refund will be made for administration fees.
The Money-Back Guarantee can only be taken out at the time of registration and cannot be added later. Money-back guarantee.
Article 10: Delivery of race bibs
Bib numbers and chips will be handed out only and exclusively in person at the Expo Sports, Friday and Saturday before the race.
No bib numbers will be handed out on the day of the race.
The runner may authorise a third party to collect the race bib and runner's bag. He/she must bring your bib number and your ID card (digital).
No bib numbers will be given to those who do not comply with the requirements set by the Organisation.
After picking up the bib number at the place indicated by the organisation, the T-shirt will be collected in strict order of arrival, until the size is available. The organisation cannot guarantee the size due to the fact that the t-shirts are ordered and manufactured before the closing date for registration.
Failure to collect the race bib and the runner's bag in the established terms means that the same will be waived.
Article 11: Cancellation
In the event of cancellation of the race for reasons beyond the organisation's control, the organisation reserves the right to invalidate articles 7 and 9 of the regulations, adopting the measures it deems appropriate.
Article 12: Race bib
Bib numbers must be worn clearly visible on the front of the torso throughout the race. The bib may not be folded or manipulated and must be placed on the upper part of the trunk and in a visible place.
Article 13: Chip
The organisation will provide each participant with a single-use chip which will be placed in the participant's shoe and which must be returned at the end of the race (it is not possible to participate with the yellow chip).
If you are going to pick up your bib number, but you are not going to take part in the race, remember to leave your chip in the designated areas.
If for any reason you cannot return it on the day of the race, you can send it by post to: RPM Racing, Av. Diagonal 477, 9th floor, 08036 Barcelona.
Failure to return the chip implies a penalty of 5€.
Article 14: Judges' Committee
The race is controlled by the RFEA Judges Committee.
There will be time controls along the course. Only those participants who complete the race with the chip provided by the organisation, placed in the shoe, will appear in the classification.
Neither the organisation, nor the sponsors, nor the main collaborator will assume any responsibility in case of malfunction of the chip.
Security on public roads will be the responsibility of the Guardia Urbana de Barcelona.
Article 15: Medical service and refreshment stations
Medical services will be located along the route, as well as at the start and finish areas.
There will be liquid refreshment stations at kilometres 5, 10, 15, approximately, as well as a final liquid and solid refreshment station at the finish line.
All registered runners are obliged to fill in the back of the race bib with their name, surname, telephone number in case of emergency, if they have any medical problem (allergy, special care, etc.) or are under any specific treatment, as well as their blood group.
The medical services will be authorised to withdraw any participant for medical reasons.
Article 16: Route
All kilometres along the course will be signposted according to World Athletics standards.
The organisation may modify the course for reasons beyond its control and/or force majeure. Compliance with the approved course is subject at all times to the approved remodelling of the public roads, which may cause small last minute changes, unavoidable on the day of the race, but which will not affect the official distance.
Article 17: Disclaimer and data protection
Participants explicitly allow their name, surname, sex and year of birth to be published on the website, as well as in the results pages, if they finish the race following the established regulations.
This race belongs to the Official Calendar of the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation, and therefore, after registration, the basic data of the runner will be transferred to this entity for the processing, before the insurance company, of the compulsory accident and civil liability insurance, as well as for the management of the day licence and the popular ranking of road races. Likewise, the data will be ceded to the main collaborator, for the correct collaboration of the latter with the organiser. In any case and as established by the Data Protection Law, the interested party may in the future exercise their rights of access, rectification, suppression, opposition, limitation and portability by writing or sending an e-mail to the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation. Avenida de Valladolid nº81 - 28.008 Madrid. E-mail: rfea@rfea.es and/or to UTE RPM EXPERIENTIA, Avenida Diagonal 477 16th floor, 08036, Barcelona (Barcelona) info@dpo.es
All participants, by registering, declare that they are aware of and accept these Regulations and the Disclaimer and Data Protection Policy. In case of doubt, the Organisation's criteria will prevail. In particular, by registering, runners subscribe to the following declaration:
‘I participate in the race on a completely voluntary basis and I consciously assume the hardness of the race, taking into account its distance and technical difficulty, for which I declare that I have sufficient technical knowledge, experience and state of physical and psychological condition to face the characteristics of the race.
I declare that I am in optimal health to participate in the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona, having the total certainty of being physically and psychologically fit for it and having passed the relevant medical checks, ruling out any illness, pathology, injury, or any other health problem that would discourage my participation. In the event that at the time of holding the race there has been any change in my state of health that would pose a risk to me or to the health of other participants, I agree not to participate in the race.
I also accept that I must comply with the requirements imposed by the organisation in relation to health limitations.
During the development of the competition I will contribute as much as possible with the Organization, to avoid personal accidents and I will maintain an appropriate behaviour, not endangering my health, nor that of other people. I agree to comply with the regulations set out in the EDREAMS MITJA MARATÓ BARCELONA REGULATIONS, safety protocols and indications established by the Organization.
Taking into account all of the above, I exempt the Organization, collaborating sponsors and/or other participating institutions from any responsibility for any accident, health problem or injury that I may suffer before, during and/or after the sporting event, renouncing any legal action against any of the aforementioned entities.
I also authorise the Organisation to make advertising use of photos, videos and any other type of audiovisual material in which I may appear, accepting the publication of my name in the classification of the race, in the media and/or Internet, without expecting any payment, compensation or retribution for this concept’.
NOTICE: The organisers recommend that runners undergo a medical examination prior to the race, all participants accepting the risk derived from the sporting activity.
Article 18: Insurance policy
The organisation has a civil liability insurance policy in accordance with current legislation. All participants are covered by an accident insurance policy in accordance with Royal Decree 849/1993, of 4 June, which determines the minimum benefits of the Compulsory Sports Insurance.
Article 19: Categories
The male and female categories of the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona are governed by the rules of World Athletics and the RFEA, and are established as follows:
Under-23: 18-23 years old.
Senior: 23-34 years old.
Master 35: 35-39 years old.
Master 40: 40-44 years old.
Master 45: 45-49 years.
Master 50: 50-54 years.
Master 55: 55-59 years.
Master 60: 60-64 years.
Master 65: 65-69 years.
Master 70: 70-74 years.
Master 75: 75-79 years
Master 80: 80 years and over
Article 20: Trophies
Trophies will be awarded to the three first classified runners in the overall absolute category. Runners in the disabled categories will also receive their trophy at a ceremony after the race. All trophies that are not collected on the day of the race will remain at the disposal of the Organisation, it being understood that they have been waived if they have not been collected at the headquarters by 16th March.
Article 21: Prizes
Article 22: Doping control
As the event is included in the RFEA and World Athletics calendar, there will be a compulsory anti-doping control.
Any runner who, having been designated to pass this test, refuses to do so, will be automatically disqualified in all the categories and prizes to which he/she may be entitled. Thus, athletes who pass the test and are entitled to a prize money shall wait for the result of the test before receiving the prize money.
Article 23: Complaints
Complaints must be made orally to the Chief Referee no later than 30 minutes after the official announcement of the results. The Referee's decision is final.
Article 24
Registration for the race implies acceptance of these regulations. The organisers may decide on any incident that is not foreseen according to the long-distance running regulations of the Federació Catalana d'Atletisme (http://www.fcatletisme.cat/Ruta), as well as the IAAF regulations.