February 16th 2025

8 de March de 2022

Tips for maintaining your running clothes

Preparing for a race like the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona involves the use of a great amount of sportswear. Sanytol helps us to keep your sportswear clean and odour free.

Have you ever wondered why your sportswear smells bad, even after being washed?

Thanks to Sanytol textile disinfectant you will be able to eliminate the bacteria that cause this persistent bad smell in your sport or training clothes and, in addition, you will be able to have a pleasant and long-lasting perfume without stains on your clothes.

Its bleach-free formula is suitable for all fabrics and colours, and it is effective even in cold water.

Add it to your laundry with your usual detergent and eliminate germs and bad smells from the root.

Follow these 4 steps to remove the smell of sweat from your clothes:

1. Isolate clothes with sweaty odour from the rest of your regular laundry.

2. Wash or air them as soon as possible.

3. Add Sanytol textile disinfectant to eliminate microorganisms.

4. Leave them to dry completely outdoors.

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Aigües de Barcelona will be the official sustainable hydration provider for the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks and the Zurich Marató Barcelona in 2025

In 2025, and for the third consecutive year, one of the main objectives of the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks and the Zurich Marató Barcelona is to be an environmentally friendly race. For this reason, Aigües de Barcelona will be the official sustainable hydration provider at the five hydration points of the half marathon […]

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