2026 coming soon

App Policy

PRIVACY POLICY OF THE APP «eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks»

Location information

We collect and process location information when you sign up and use the services. According to our privacy policy we do not track the location of your device while you are not using the app but in order to provide basic timing services it is necessary to track the location of your device while you are using the app. If you wish to stop tracking your device’s location, you can do so at any time by adjusting your device’s settings.

User information shared

This app requires camera permissions if the user is interested in uploading a photo to the gallery. We collect information from the photos you share.

This app does not require information from your contacts.

Payment information

No payments are made within the app, so no information about your credit or debit cards will be collected.

Title Sponsor

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Sustainable official provisioning

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Official Hotel

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