2026 coming soon

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Frequently asked questions


You’ll receive an email on race week with your bib number (check your inbox as spam).

If you haven’t received the email, you can access it through our oficial website, through the following link.

If none of these options have worked for you, you should go to Athlete service once you’re at Expo Sports.

You should pick up your bib number at Expo Sports, both on Friday and Saturday before the race.

Yes. Bib numbers and chips will only be handed out in person at the Expo Sports on the Friday and Saturday before the race.
No race bibs will be issued on the day of the race.
The runner may authorise a third party to collect the race bib and runner’s bag. He/she must bring your bib number and your ID card (digital).
No bib numbers will be given to those who do not comply with the requirements set by the Organisation.
After picking up the bib number at the place indicated by the organisation, the T-shirt will be collected in strict order of arrival, until the size is available. The organisation cannot guarantee the size due to the fact that the t-shirts are ordered and manufactured before the closing date for registration.
Failure to collect the race bib and the runner’s bag in the established terms means that the same will be waived.

Article 10

Yes. You just have to send an email to the following address: info@edreamsmitjabarcelona.com

Yes. After picking up the bib number at the place indicated by the organisation, the T-shirt will be collected in strict order of arrival, until the size is finished. The organisation cannot guarantee the size due to the fact that the t-shirts are ordered and manufactured before the closing date for registration.
Failure to collect the race bib and the runner’s bag in the established terms means that the runner will forfeit the same.

Article 10

The chip timing system is cronochip. You will find it in the envelope of your race bib.

The organisation will provide each participant with a single-use chip that will be placed in the participant’s shoe and must be returned at the end of the race (you cannot participate with the yellow chip).
If you are going to pick up your bib number, but you are not going to take part in the race, remember to leave your chip in the designated areas.
If for any reason you cannot return it on the day of the race, you can send it by post to: RPM Racing, Av. Diagonal 477, 9th floor, 08036 Barcelona.
Failure to return the chip implies a penalty of 5€.

Article 13

No. Although the RFEA has approved it, we recommend you enjoy the city’s atmosphere and the animation during the race.

Yes. You will find a team of 35 pacers to help you reach your goal. You will find them in the starting boxes corresponding to their mark. They will carry identifying flags with the time in which they will run the race.
They will run the course at 9 different paces: 1h20′, 1h25′, 1h30′, 1h35′, 1h40′, 1h45′, 1h50′, 1h55′ and 2h.

Yes. You can download the official APP of the Marathon in the following links for iOS and Android.

In order to transfer your bib you must make a change of holder as indicated in Article 7 of the rules.

Article 7

Yes. Once you cross the finish line, you will receive a FINISHER medal of the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks.

You can engrave your medal once you have your medal, near the finish line.

*If you did not contract this service when registering and you finally want it, access the following link.

You will find water and isotonic drink of the brand Aquarius served in drops. You will also find Finisher gels at the km 15 refreshment station.

At all the refreshment stations you will also find medical services and toilets.

Yes. You will be able to download your finisher’s diploma from the website once it’s available.

Are you already looking forward to 2026?

A global change begins with a first individual step. Accept the challenge of the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks 2025.

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