2026 coming soon


Location: Passeig Picasso

Date: February 16th Time:

  • 8:30am - dorsal color: Elite Black, Sub Elite White, Yellow and Red
  • 8:40am - color dorsal: Blue
  • 8:50am - color dorsal: Pink
  • 9:00am - color dorsal:Turquoise
  • 9:10 am - color dorsal: Green
  • 9:20am - color dorsal: Orange
  • 9:30 am - color dorsal: Grey
  • 9:40 am - color dorsal: Purple
What makes so special the Mitja course?

According to the runners who have participated, the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona, is one of the most complete on the international scene.

An entirely urban circuit that runs through the heart and along the coast of a cosmopolitan, open, Mediterranean and active city. The cultural and gastronomic legacy that characterizes the city, together with a dedicated public, will force you to raise your head if you don't want to miss a single detail of one of the most special cities in the world, Barcelona.

Pacers in race

27 pacers that will help you achieve your goal based on 9 different paces:
1h20', 1h25', 1h30', 1h35', 1h40', 1h45', 1h50', 1h55' and 2h.


The urban circuit of the race.

Experience the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks live with our app

Through our mobile app, you can follow your friends and/or family live, kilometre by kilometre.

Are you already looking forward to 2026?

A global change begins with a first individual step. Accept the challenge of the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks 2025.

Dare to surpass yourself.

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