16 febrer 2025

Compte enrere oficial

28 de juny de 2024

The Zurich Marató Barcelona and the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks show their support for Pride BCN 2024!

• The two great running events in Barcelona want to become the two most diverse and inclusive races, and under this premise they join the great festive vindication of the LGTBIQ+ collective in the city.

For the International LGTBIQ+ Pride Day, representatives of the organizers of the Zurich Marató Barcelona and the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks attended the Official Reception of Pride BCN! 2024 in support of the cause. Under the premise that the two great Barcelona races will be as diverse and inclusive as possible from their next editions in 2025 -which will take place on 16th of February in the case of the half-marathon and 16th of March in the case of the marathon, respectively-, the organization of both races has joined several activities of the Pride BCN! 2024.

On the afternoon of Friday 28th of June, Zurich Marató Barcelona and eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona By Brooks organization had attended the starting point for the new edition of this festive vindication, which this year aims to reinforce sex-affective education with a gender perspective in Catalonia, Tuesday 2nd of July at 19h they will be at the Museum of Forbidden Art for being part of the round table ‘From censorship to sex-affective and gender liberation in sport: is inclusive physical education possible’, and on 28th of July they will participate in the demonstration of Pride BCN 2024!

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La Zurich Marató Barcelona i l’eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona By Brooks inicien la seva col·laboració amb l’Associació i la Fundació Superacció per al 2025

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