2026 coming soon

5 de February de 2025

betevé will broadcast the eDreams Mitja Marató Barcelona by Brooks live: the race, from the first to the last athlete

On Sunday, February 16, betevé and La Xarxa+ will broadcast the event in a special live program from 8:15 AM to 12:45 PM.

betevé will broadcast the eDreams Mitja Marató de Barcelona by Brooks 2025 live and in full. On Sunday, February 16, the public media of Barcelona (TV, radio, and digital) will broadcast one of the most iconic races in the city and one of the most prestigious worldwide for the fourth consecutive year.

The special program for the eDreams Mitja Marató de Barcelona by Brooks 2025, produced jointly by betevé and La Xarxa, will start at 8:15 AM and run until 12:45 PM, with the arrival of the last popular participant. This year, registrations in Barcelona have set a record with 30,000 bibs sold.

The live broadcast of the eDreams Mitja Marató de Barcelona by Brooks can be followed on all betevé platforms: on TDT, on Movistar+ channel 166, on the website, on betevé’s YouTube channel, and on the mobile app. It will also be available on the radio (91.0 FM). It will be fully broadcast on La Xarxa+ as well.

If you’re running the eDreams Mitja Marató de Barcelona by Brooks , find yourself in betevé’s re-broadcast
If you’re one of the 30,000 participants in the eDreams Mitja Marató de Barcelona by Brooks , you will be able to see yourself in betevé’s re-broadcast, and at any time on the YouTube channel. Starting at 3:00 PM on Sunday, February 16, the re-broadcast of the race will be available on betevé’s TDT, with all the spotlight on the popular participants. When you cross the finish line, look for betevé’s cameras to share your experience live, and watch the interview later at home. Additionally, there will be a website where you can find yourself crossing the finish line.

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